Trading’s Dark Side and How AI Saved Me!

This A.I. Not Only Helped Me Improve My Health And Sleep Pattern, It Is Making Me $17,081 Richer Every 4 Minutes (And I Don’t Even Need To Lose Sleep)!

Hey, I haven’t had my coffee yet, but I have to write this now because if I don’t, I won’t be able to find another time in the day when trading doesn’t fully take over my thoughts.

I just want to tell you about my personal experience with trading and how it ruined my health…

So keep in mind that this is not some lesson, but just some bits of stories and a few things that I’ve picked up along the way, although I do have a special surprise for you somewhere within this post, that could really help you in your trading journey.

And I think it’s quite appropriate since I really wanna talk to you about sleepless nights and trading and how I was able to get out of that nightmare with this one simple solution.

Two days ago, I closed a trade on EURUSD that I’ve had open overnight and about late last week, I closed a trade on USJPY.

So basically, these trades are the equivalent of an intraday trade or intraweek trades, basically trades that you have to have open overnight.

And I keep them open just in case an opportunity presents itself. But the thing is, that mindset reminds me exactly of why I wanted to stop doing this.

Because it can become some sort of gamble, both for your health and your money.

Don’t you just hate it when you have to be trading round the clock?

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And it’s not just trading. I also have to stay up late to get all the economic data released from around the world and still end up losing half my trades.

I remember talking to my friend on Skype, and he would go to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning, and by the time he would wake up for work, I’d still be awake and be able to talk to him in the morning.

I don’t really need to explain the negative health effects this had.

I’ve already gotten ill a lot of times with trading and I don’t plan to continue having this dilemma forever.

That is why I turned to this A.I. YES, a seasoned trader like me has given up on doing all this extra work and is trying to use the power of technology to basically get two things straight in my life:

  • To drastically cut the time I need to make profitable trades.
  • To finally get a good night’s rest.

I chose to use the only Level 5 Category A.I. in the market. The highest level any A.I. can get.

You don’t have to do the research, basically a Level 5 Category A.I. is an A.I. that can learn and adapt to the trader’s preferences and strategies, providing personalized trading solutions and having the ability to decide in split seconds.

The name of this A.I. is S.A.R.A.

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Before we go into the massive wins I got with S.A.R.A., let’s first talk about why I like her and why I plan to trade with her for a long time:

  • She makes my life so much easier by being the one to place trades.
  • I don’t need to stay up late and catch news about the economy. S.A.R.A. is programmed to land profitable trades one after another.
  • I can get about 6-8 hours of sleep coupled with the peace of mind knowing my trades have a 95% chance to become profitable.
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And these are the 2 things I really like about S.A.R.A.

  •  She’s lightning-fast: S.A.R.A’s speedy analysis means you can make trades in just minutes, so you can take advantage of the market’s movements before they change. She’s always learning: S.A.R.A is constantly analyzing data and learning from the market, so she can provide you with the most accurate and profitable trades possible. She also has a feature called “adaptive intelligence” that allows her to adjust depending on your trading style.

And now on to the most exciting part…

I was able to make these trades without losing a minute of sleep.

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>>You can see more trades that I made recently right here.

In fact, I’m sleeping like a baby these days, and even my doc says my health’s on the upswing.

But let me spill the beans, sometimes I still find myself burning the midnight oil, keeping tabs on the global economy.

The cool part? I do it because I want to, not because I have to. It’s a whole different ball game now, unlike before when I was chained to the grind just to make ends meet.

And if you’d also like to see if S.A.R.A. can make a huge impact on your sleep and your trades, simply click this link.

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